湿巾机 湿巾机械 纸品机械-福建泉州东工机械-湿巾机 湿巾机械 柔巾卷机 卸装棉机/生活用纸机械-无纺布设备/无纺布后期加工设备-包装机械

地址: 福建泉州市惠安涂寨灵山工业区
电 话: 0595-22755178
传 真: 0595-22787311

产品展示 >> 卫生巾设备>> 全伺服高速护翼卫生巾生产线

打印】 【 【关闭】 浏览数:16915   视频展播: 暂无视频

I Main technical specification
1.            产品结构:
    Product structure:
 Normal thick type product::top sheet non-woven(or PE perforated film)、elastic ribbon of
Stereo-Protection ,top tissue, absorbent paper(cotton core with SAP)、down tissue,PE film,
back release paper、wing release paper、packaging film、easy tape.
Ultra thin:double layer anti-leakage non-woven, top sheet(non woven or PE perforated film)、
absorbent core(air laid、SAP paper)、down tissue、back sheet(PE film)、wing release paper、
packaging film、easy tape.
(as per drawing confirmed by both sides)
2.            棉芯结构:直条形棉芯两端弧形切断
structure of cotton corestraight type cotton core, two sides of core is arc.
Specification of sanitary napkin: 2 sizes: 240mm,290mm.
3.          设计速度:800片/分钟(290mm)
Design speed: 800 pieces/min(290mm)
4.            稳定生产速度:290mm(550片/分钟,普通型产品)。
Stable production speed: 290mm(550pieces/min)
5.            生产线中心距离:指产品的材料中心线离机架安装面板的距离200mm;
Production center distance: Referring to distance between the center line of product
material and main frame plate, 200mm.
6.            原材料分布:表面吸收层在下,底膜在上,180反转后为表层在上,底膜在下。
Spread of raw materials: under is topsheet for absorption, upper is back sheet. After
180 degrees of reversal, upper is topsheet for absorption,
Down is back sheet.
7.          产品克重偏差:± 2%
Product weight tolerance: ±2%
8.          产品成品率:≥ 99%(不含由于胶机、接料及材料接头引起的次废品)
Rate of finished product ≥ 99% (not including the defective products caused by glue applicator,
supplying of raw materials and joints of raw materials)
9.          开机率:≥ 88%
Efficiency range   ≥88%
10.      电源:380V 50HZ
Power: 380V/50HZ
11.      装机容量:≥260KW
Installment power       :≧260KW
12.      机器重量:约35T
 Machine Weight:About 35 tons
13.      电气供给:380V ±5%、50HZ 三相四线+接地线
Power source:   380V ±5%、50HZ, 3 phase 4 wires + ground wire
14.      供气压力: 0.6-0.8Mpa(需方自行准备气源)
  Supply air pressure: 0.6+0.8Mpa.
15.      机台走向:面对机器从          运行
Working direction of machine:to be defined by buyer
16.      机台颜色:可根据客户要求
Machine color: to be defined by buyer

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福建省泉州市东工机械 版权所有
电 话:0595-22755178 传真:0595-22787311